Monday, July 16, 2012

Friends are Friends Forever

"Make new friends, but keep the old;
one is silver and the other gold."

I love my friends! God has blessed me many times over with friends from all over the world. I can look on my Facebook page and find friends from EVERY era of my life.

There is...
* Debbie, one of the first kids I remember from childhood - Stilwell days
* Karla, the girl I most wanted to be like - Armourdale days
* Stacy, a friend from grade school - Rushton days
* Denise, my constant companion on Outlook - Mission days
* Diana, a faithful friend who was always willing to play - Lorraine days
* Jean, my Sunday School buddy - Fairview MB days
* Judy & Georgean, classmates and fellow basketball friends - Chamberlain days
* Rita, one of my best friends ever and the one who helped me dare to do things I never thought I could do - Junior High Running Around days
* Dawn, another BEST friend God blessed me with in high school - BYF days
* Veronica, the only person I ever wanted as a "dog," because she was so stinkin' loyal - Music Group days
* Becky K, a mentor and a believer in my spiritual gifts - Armourdale: Take II days
* Cindy, someone God knew I would need during a particularly challenging season of my life - CUBI days
* Arlene, the sweetest friend a young wife and mother could ever have - Highland View days
* Amanda, a sweetheart who allowed me to pour spiritual truths into her life, and who now ministers to me with her depth of spiritual passion - SLTFC days
* Becky H, a "sorority of mothers" friend who stood by me during our daughters' terrible twos and beyond! - Armourdale: Take III days
* Kristen, loyal and faithful, a friend for all times - YFC days
* Geneva, the first friend I made in a new town, and the one who I dared to think wanted MY job - Ebenfeld days
* Shannon, Jami, and Jennifer E, MY girls who have given me some of my favorite memories - MBY days
* Kelly, the mom of one of the sweetest little students I could have ever had - Piano Studio days
* Carol, a friend who has always wanted the best for me, and believes in me even today - Parkview days
* Sheryl, a no-frills friend who reminds me not to take myself so seriously - Lunch Bunch days
* Aleen, a professor who poured her life into me and saw things in me that I could not see in myself - SE Asia days
* Misty, a fellow student, partner in research, and faithful friend - Tabor days
* Ti, one of the best darn case managers I've ever met - ComCare days
* Helen, a sweet, faithful prayer warrior who ministered to me in a very dark moment - Kidron days
* Ashley, a smart and beautiful young lady who renewed my passion for parenting - WTC days
* Chris, one of the most fun-loving, creative people I have ever met; she keeps me young - NMC days
* Lyndsay, unconditional love - KHC days
* Moon, my sweet Asian buddy, who captured my heart and curiosity the first time I ever saw her - Newton days
* Kristina, a mom who's strength and determination I admire more than she can ever know - Halstead days

And, because she will be extremely offended if I DON'T mention her - the best friend I have ever had, my sister for 43 years, and the one I turn to first when I need a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold - Roxie.

So many eras, so many friends. So many ways God has shown His love and grace to me through the years. There are some friends I have worked hard to keep in contact with, others for whom Facebook is the only method we have to renew our friendship, and then some friends who have always pursued me - even when I didn't feel like I was worth pursuing in friendship.

Jennifer S. is one of those friends who has pursued me and made sure I didn't turn my back on friendship. During some of my darkest times, Jennifer has been there. She calls me, texts me, Facebook chats with me. She seeks me out and reminds me what being a true friend is all about.

Jennifer and I met when she was probably about 13 or 14. I'm not sure exactly because all I knew was she was one of the teenagers God had placed in my life to love and minister to, and that's all that mattered. Jennifer absolutely loved my kids. She and her sister, Kristen, were the first girls I'd call to come babysit Heather and Aaron when they were young. She and Kristen would steal Aaron out of my arms at YFC rallies and take him downstairs, where they would feed him as many dill pickle chips as he wanted (thanks for the diapers that followed, Jennifer!). Jennifer, Kristen, and three other girls from our "group" at YFC went outlet shopping together, and had sleepovers. After I left KC and moved to Hillsboro, Jennifer wrote me letters, called me often, and kept me informed on her life. When she went to college, I'd often get long phone calls full of all the latest happenings. Through Jennifer's constant connection with me, I was able to experience many parts of her life that I otherwise would have missed.

Today, Jennifer is probably my most faithful Facebook friend. We talk often and she always comments on my posts and pictures. If I share something that lets her know I'm having a bad day, I can be assured she will either text, call, or chat with me to see what's happening with me. We talk about everything under the sun.

One of the greatest blessings I've had in my friendship with Jennifer is that she has allowed me to know her family - to be a part of her kids' lives. This past year Jennifer and her husband embarked on a life-changing journey to adopt a little girl from China. I have been so honored to walk alongside them and to have the opportunity to pray for their journey.

Jennifer's family travels from KC to Arizona at least twice a year, and they always make a point to stop and visit either on the way out or on the trip back. Saturday night we met at The Bread Basket in Newton for the German buffet as they were coming home from vacation. What fun it was to spend a couple of hours with Jennifer & Jeff and their four precious children - Alexander, Zachary, Samuel, and Myah. We laughed a lot, talked a mile a minute, and played with the kids.

I'm so thankful that God put Jennifer in my life and that He continues to nurture our friendship with His love.

Little Miss Myah - a bit grumpy from the long ride in the car, but
still so funny with all her cute expressions!

Momma gave Myah Zachary's hat and she promptly covered her face with it.

Samuel sat across from me. I don't think this smile left his face
all evening long!

Alexander found a friend in Paul. They visited the whole time
and played games together. (Notice that Zachary is hiding - he was determined I would NOT get a picture of him!)

I'm pretty sneaky myself! While Paul distracted him with his iPhone, 
I got a great picture of Mr. Zachary. Later, he said,
"You need to delete that picture of me." NO SIR. Way too cute!

Before long, things started getting a bit silly.

And pretty soon, the other kid joined in...:)