Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things That Go "Bump" in the Night

I've been thinking about the subject of this post for awhile now, but finding the time and a quiet place to write it has been a challenge! Tonight I decided it's never going to get written if I don't just do it. So, here goes...

As a young mother, I learned very quickly to keep one ear "awake" even as I slept. I listened for every little sound Heather might make - or NOT make. I heard every rustle of the blankets, every baby sigh, and the sweet sounds of a just awakened child as she babbled to herself.

As Heather grew and the boys came along, I adapted to the sounds of a full home. Rarely did we have a night without some sort of "noise" occurrence. One of the most funny moments was the night I heard the screen door open. I told my husband that someone had either come in or had gone out. While he thought I was crazy, I knew my "momma ears" by now and they didn't deceive me! Sure enough, when we got up to look, there was our 5-year old Jonathan, relieving himself on the neighbors' garage wall!

Through the years I have learned to tune my ears to hear the door open and close as a late-night teenager came in, trying not to wake me (RIGHT). I can almost hear the phone BEFORE it rings, especially when it's past curfew. I am instantly awake at the sound of footsteps coming into my room and the voice of Jonathan or Ryan saying, "Mom, can I talk to you?" I wouldn't trade these "bumps in the night" for anything. They are sure signs of my children exercising their limited independence, learning to find their way while remaining in the secure environment of my home, and struggling with new thoughts and ideas. These "bumps" are the meat and potatoes of family life.

In the last six months, I have added new "bumps in the night" to my listening repertoire. I have moved from worrying about Jonathan coming in late at night, to wondering if the sound I just heard was Mom falling as she made her way to the restroom, or Dad falling out of bed as a result of one of his wild and crazy dreams. I now hear every creak of the floor boards, every squeak of the door hinges, and every scuffle sound of the walker as Mom moves across the room. And for me, these "bumps" are just as nerve-wracking as any my children ever made! I'm a worrier by nature - I love my family and I am constantly thinking of their well-being. So, sometimes, I just lie there and wait - wait for the bump that I know is bound to happen sooner or later.

One night as I was in my "worry before it happens" state, a little song from my kids' childhoods came to mind. Suddenly, I wasn't listening for the inevitable sounds of movement and the vivid imaginings that follow those sounds - I was listening to Junior Asparagus singing,

"God is bigger than the Boogie Man! He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV! Oh, God is bigger than the Boogie Man - and He's watching out for you and me!"

Oh, the wisdom contained in those simple lines. Junior later sings, "So, are you frightened? No, not really! Are you scared? Not a bit! I know whatever's gonna happen, that God can handle it!" Wow - God can handle it! He is big enough to handle anything that happens - whether I can see it or not. He's big enough to take care of the "things that go bump in the night." Since that evening, I've been able to rest more easily - I don't worry about what might happen nearly as much. I'm learning to be comfortable with the possibility that something will go "bump." And all because of a little song sung by a baby vegetable...amazing.

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."
Psalm 56:3